Financial Controller

BORG Automotive Group Published 4. juli 2024
Application deadline : As soon as possible

Er du en detaljestærk teamspiller med flair for IT? Brænder du for Financial controlling på tværs af en europæisk koncern? Så er jobbet som Financial Controller hos BORG Automotive måske noget for dig.

Et dynamisk miljø med god holdånd

BORG Automotive er en succesrig, dynamisk og motiveret virksomhed med en åben ledelsesstil og stort ansvar hos den enkelte. Firmaet tilbyder gode og fleksible forhold med mulighed for hjemmearbejde og har en stærk virksomhedskultur, hvor værdier går hånd i hånd med markedets udfordringer.

Vi har et velfungerende team af dedikerede kolleger i en dynamisk og ambitiøs international virksomhed, hvor hverdagen ofte byder på nye og interessante udfordringer. Omgangstonen er uformel, og vi har en gensidig tillid og respekt for hinanden.

Du bliver en del af en velfungerende finansafdeling på koncernens hovedkvarter i Silkeborg. Herfra driftes og konsolideres koncernregnskaberne, og der ydes support, controlling og sparring til datterselskaberne i ind- og udland. Med reference til vores Senior Finance Director bliver du en del af et stærkt team med ti kolleger, hvor faglig sparring om stort og småt samt hjælpsomhed er en vigtig del af hverdagen.

BORG Automotive er i vækst - både organisk og via opkøb - og vi har derfor brug for endnu en Financial Controller. BORG er også inde i en transition, hvor der oprettes flere ekspertfunktioner i Danmark med fokus på lokal og international compliance. Der vil derfor være mulighed for løbende udvikling og på sigt eventuel specialisering inden for dine særlige interesseområder. Stillingen er som udgangspunkt meget alsidig og kan indeholde op til ti årlige rejsedage.


- Månedsregnskab

- Udarbejdelse af årsregnskab

- Controlling opgaver i gruppen i tæt samarbejde med dine kolleger i ind- og udland

- Cashflow controlling

- Budget controlling

- Deltagelse i ad hoc projekter, herunder implementering af ERP-projekter

- Øvrige driftsopgaver

Der vil være en grundig oplæring i alle opgaver. Finansteamet består pt. af en Senior Finance Director, tre bogholdere og seks financial controllere (hvoraf to er eksperter i moms og en er ekspert i transfer pricing). En stor del af de daglige driftsopgaver varetages af vores Shared Service Center i Polen, hvorfor langt hovedparten af opgaverne i den danske finansafdeling er relateret til controlling.


- Relevant uddannelsesbaggrund indenfor økonomi

- Nyuddannet eller et par års erfaring fra en lignende stilling

- Stærk indenfor IT og erfaren bruger af Office-pakken

- Flydende dansk og engelsk i skrift og tale er et krav


Dit drive, din akkuratesse og din evne til at nå deadlines er afgørende. Du bevarer overblikket, men ser de detaljer, der gør forskellen. Derfor trives du med til tider at arbejde med en høj grad af detaljer i dine analyser, drift og rapportering. Et godt samspil er meget vigtigt i din sparring med kolleger i ind- og udland. Din bopæl skal ligge inden for daglig køreafstand til Silkeborg.

Har vi fanget din interesse?

Så send din ansøgning og CV ved at klikke på "Ansøg" hurtigst muligt, da vi løbende har samtaler. Tiltrædelse er snarest muligt. Vi glæder os til at modtage din ansøgning.

Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Senior Financial Director Carsten Kristoffersen på

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!

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Account Manager

BORG Automotive Group Published 27. juni 2024
Application deadline : As soon as possible

BORG Automotive søger en ny Account Manager til Customer Service

En af vores mange dygtige Account Managers er blevet forfremmet og vi søger derfor en ny kollega til teamet. Som Account Manager kommer du til at have den daglige og proaktive kontakt til vores eksisterende kunder og du kommer til at arbejde tæt sammen med kolleger på tværs af hele organisationen for at udvikle relationerne til kunderne. Samtidig vil du sammen med landecheferne arbejde på nye tiltag i de forskellige markeder og supportere vores vækst. I denne stilling er du vores ’first line of defence’ og de indsigter du indsamler fra kunderne, danner blandt andet baggrund for de aktioner vi efterfølgende tager i markedet. 

BORG Automotive Reman har kunder og samarbejdspartnere på tværs af Europa. Som Account Manager bliver du en del af customer service teamet i salgsafdelingen. Salgsafdelingen består af 21 medarbejdere med lokationer i Danmark, Frankrig, Polen og Spanien. 

Dine arbejdsopgaver vil primært bestå i

  • Supportere og lytte til kunderne. De sætter pris på at vi er hurtige, fleksible og professionelle
  • Skabe loyalitet gennem ordentlighed og forudsigelighed og vedligeholde gode relationer til vores kunder
  • Indsamle information om markedssituationen, kundernes forretning og hvordan vi kan supportere deres vækst
  • Håndtere og behandle ordrer, tilbud og andre varierende administrative opgaver
  • Support for landecheferne - herunder bl.a. forberede kundestatistik, prislister m.m.
  • Udføre rapporter og analyser primært i Excel
  • Holde ajour med aktiviteter og dokumentation på de enkelte kunder
  • Deltage på messer/ kundebesøg i et begrænset omfang


  • Erfaring i at betjene kunder
  • Kommunikere på engelsk og tysk, skriftligt og mundtligt 
  • Flere sprogfærdigheder vil være en fordel 
  • Erfaren bruger af MS Office, særligt Excel

Personlige kvalifikationer

  • Du leverer god personlig betjening og sætter kunden i centrum
  • Du er udadvendt, og du trives godt i samarbejdet mellem kunder og i et team
  • Du er proaktiv, og du kan håndtere mange opgaver på samme tid
  • Du er detaljeorienteret, organiseret og arbejder struktureret
  • Du er vedholdende, følger op på dine ting og står fast på dine meninger
  • Du kan håndtere daglige rutineprægede opgaver

BORG Automotive tilbyder dig

  • Ansættelse i en voksende virksomhed og et internationalt miljø
  • Arbejde med kollegaer på alle niveauer i et energisk og uformelt miljø
  • En succesfuld salgsafdeling med en åben ledelsesstil og frihed under ansvar
  • Gode medarbejdervilkår og en stærk organisationskultur

Ansøgning og kontakt

For yderligere information kan du kontakte Simone Nørding, Team Leader Customer Service på

27 79 03 89 /

Vi læser ansøgninger og holder samtaler løbende. 

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HR Manager

BORG Automotive Group Published 18. juni 2024
Application deadline : As soon as possible

About BORG Automotive

At BORG Automotive, we are dedicated to excellence and innovation in the automotive industry. With a focus on competence, responsibility, transparency, interdependency, and continuous improvement, we strive to deliver outstanding solutions and services. Our culture is characterized by a flat hierarchy, open management style, and a commitment to valuing individual differences and development. As we expand, we are looking for a HR Manager to join our team in Denmark, embodying our core values and fostering a positive work environment. 

The Role

As HR Manager, you will play a pivotal role in creating the company culture driven by Borg values and in building scalable organization. You will report to our Group Director of People and Purpose, Magdalena Straub. Your role will cover four locations, with one employee based in Germany. You will be responsible for entities situated in Denmark (with two locations and around 120 employees), Germany (one location with around 150 employees), and France (one location and around 20 employees).

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Providing guidance, mentoring, and support across all HR activities such as labor law, policies, performance management, and career development.
  • Being a business partner for all leaders in any decisions connected with people management 
  • Building leadership style empowering people 
  • Ensuring HR key-processes are maintained and enforced across the area of responsibility
  • Leading specific projects and initiatives that align HR strategies with our business goals.
  • Enhancing engagement among employees 
  • Preparing and executing HR budget in a given areas of responsibilities
  • Monitoring/reporting/analyzing key performance indicators and proposing action plans
  • Collaborating with trade unions, work councils, and external institutions to strengthen our employer brand.

Who are we looking for:

  • You have at least 3 years of  experience in similar role in a multicultural environment, preferably with exposure to German business culture.
  • A bachelor's degree in human resources management or a related field is required.
  • Your leadership skills are marked by a high social IQ, people development acumen, and a deep understanding of business dynamics.
  • You possess strong knowledge and experience in employment law, compensation, recruitment, training & development, and employee relations.
  • Your skills in change management and organizational transformation are well-developed.
  • Good command of German and English, you are capable of influencing others and building robust relationships.

Why Join BORG?

  • Career Growth: BORG offers extensive career opportunities in a growing, international environment.
  • Dynamic Work Culture: Engage with colleagues at all levels in an energetic and informal setting.
  • Competitive Employee Benefits: Enjoy strong organizational culture and excellent employee conditions. 
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: We support a hybrid work model to balance personal and professional life.

Apply Now

Are you ready to drive change and lead with empowerment at BORG Automotive? Submit your application today and join us in shaping the future of the automotive industry. Together, we can continue to improve, innovate, and lead.

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Group Transfer Pricing Manager

BORG Automotive Group Published 4. juni 2024
Application deadline : As soon as possible

Join BORG Automotive, a company that is as committed to excellence as it is to its values of competence, responsibility, transparency, interdependency, and continuous improvement. We are currently looking for a Group Transfer Pricing Manager to enhance our Compliance Finance Team. This pivotal role offers the opportunity to be at the forefront of managing and fine-tuning our transfer pricing policies and practices.

About BORG Automotive:

At BORG Automotive, we pride ourselves on our flat hierarchy and open management style, fostering an environment where each employee’s unique abilities and viewpoints are recognized and valued. We believe in empowering our team members to take initiative and contribute meaningfully to our collective success. We are in the automotive business with more than 2000 dedicated employees across Europe.

Role Overview:

As the Group Transfer Pricing Manager, you will be instrumental in overseeing the transfer pricing setup across the group. Reporting to the Senior Finance Director, your duties will include:

- Developing and ensuring the robustness of our transfer pricing policy.

- Coordinating closely with the Head of Tax and other key stakeholders within the company to maintain compliance and alignment across our operations.

- Preparing crucial documentation and conducting benchmark studies alongside subsidiaries and external advisors.

- Integrating newly acquired or established companies into our existing transfer pricing framework.

- Advising on corporate structure adjustments and tax risk assessments.

Key Responsibilities:

- Manage internal transfer pricing procedures and collaborate with various business areas and subsidiaries.

- Develop and maintain intercompany agreements.

- Stay abreast of relevant local legislation affecting our global operations.

What We Look For:

- A relevant tax education, such as a Master in Tax Law, Cand Merc Jur, or similar.

- At least 5 years of experience in Transfer Pricing.

- Strong analytical skills and an adept problem solver.

- Ability to work independently and initiate tasks and changes with a strong focus on business impacts.

Our Offer:

- A dynamic role with significant impact on the organization’s compliance and financial strategies.

- A flexible working environment with the possibility to work from home.

- Opportunities to travel to subsidiaries and broaden your professional horizon.

- -A supportive work environment where everyone looks out for one another.

- Enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including a pension plan through PFA, regular massage sessions, and daily catered lunches in our company canteen.

Join Our Team:

At BORG Automotive, you will join a culture that is rooted in our values and dedicated to professional growth and personal development. If you are looking to make a significant impact in a pivotal role, we would love to hear from you.

Apply today and help us drive success at BORG Automotive while advancing your career in an enriching and supportive environment.

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Senior D365 Finance consultant

BORG Automotive Group Published 13. maj 2024
Application deadline : As soon as possible

Do you find great satisfaction in supporting a finance department in enhancing their processes and use of D365 when it comes to areas that range for day to day account to complex local requirements for indirect tax, then this would be something for you. 

Who are we 

Borg Automotive are the largest independent remanufacturer of car parts in the aftermarket. With a commitment to quality and continuous improvement, we strive to deliver refabricated parts that are on par or exceeds quality of OEM parts. As we continuously expand our operations through acquisitions and organic growth, and are starting up a company wide ERP migration, we would like to bolster our capabilities in the financial area. The role would be based at our head quarter in Silkeborg (Funder). 

The Position 

As Senior D365 Finance Consultant you will be and integral part of the ERP team, the roll out of the new ERP system (D365FO/FSCM) in Borg and the support of the existing systems. You will be able to take lead on new and existing solutions in collaboration with the ERP Manager, to whom you will be reporting.  

We currently support an AX2012 and a D365FO/FSCM with a fairly wide footprint in the moduls. 

You’ll be working out of Denmark, but you role is within Group IT headed by the CIO and has a global perspective. There will in connection with that, be a need for occasional business trips to our other sites. 

Your Person 

You are an outgoing person who finds it easy to forge relationships and are confident in stating you views in a polite, but to the point manner. You have an open mind and understand that good solutions come to life, when more than one mind is utilised. 

You are detail oriented when you do your system analysis, but you are also able to take a step back and look at the broader horizon when designing system changes. 

You are curious about new solutions in your area and pride yourself on knowing your systems and how to get the most out of them out of the box. 

Your Experience 

You have worked with D365 Finance a number of years as either internal or external consultant, but you probably have a longer stretch of experience from AX2012 prior to that - not necessarily as consultant, but could be as key user/SME. You most likely come from another manufacturing company. 

It’s an advantage if you have been part of implementation standard localization of one or more countries other than and are you into familiar with the bolt on module AMC banking, it would also be a positive. 

Your Skills and Education 

You speak and write a great business English, which is needed, as it is the common language across our sites. 

You hold a relevant degree with some sort of financial focus, or you have worked in finance for a number of years, so terminology and understanding of financial fundamentals, concepts and processes are well understood. 

What we offer 

Competitive salary package will be agreed based on experience and skills 

Room to grow your professional skills, using new technology and rolling out solutions to complex issues. 

Good colleagues with an open and honest approach to communication - an environment where we believe that results are created by people and that they are the most important part. 

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Group IT Security Manager / Expert

BORG Automotive Group Published Friday, February 23, 2024
Application deadline : As soon as possible

Company Description

BORG Automotive is one of Europe’s largest and most experienced remanufacturing companies in the automotive parts industry. Our strong foundation of core values consists of responsibility, competence, interdependency, transparency and continuous improvement. We are a family of attractive brands and offer one of the widest ranges of automotive part numbers in the European aftermarket. With more than 2500 employees across several locations, we work together to make us a reputable and reliable supplier.


Role Description

This is a full-time hybrid role for a Group IT Security Manager/Expert located either in Poland in the Lodz Metropolitan Area (Lodz / Zdunska Wola) or Denmark in Northern Jutland region (Silkeborg) with flexibility for some remote work. The Group IT Security Manager/Expert will be responsible for day-to-day IT security operations, managing and maintaining information security policies, procedures, and protocols, as well as designing, implementing, and monitoring the organization's security strategy. Other responsibilities include developing and implementing risk management strategies, coordinating security awareness and training programs, and collaborating with cross-functional teams on emerging security risks.



  • Bachelor’s or Master's degree in Information Security, Computer Science or equivalent experience
  • Minimum 2 years experience in an IT security role, including experience in incident handling, vulnerability management, and security testing 
  • Experience in risk assessment methodologies, and security technologies (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, authentication and access control systems)
  • Knowledge of IT security frameworks such as ISO-27001 or CIS-18 controls
  • Strong communication, analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Knowledge of cloud security technologies, cryptographic and key infrastructure protocols as well as professional certifications such as CISSP, CISM or CISA is a plus


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Executive Project Manager Supply Chain

BORG Automotive Group Published Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Application deadline : As soon as possible

We are looking for a dedicated and proactive colleague to serve as the right hand to our Chief Supply Chain Officer. As Executive Project Manager, you will play a crucial role in supporting the CSCO in managing and optimizing our supply chain operations. The ideal candidate will have a master's degree in logistics or supply chain management, along with strong analytical skills and a high level of drive.

We are looking for an energetic and ambitious candidate with a mindset to get things done - not necessarily a long-proven track record.

Key Responsibilities:

Strategic Support: Provide comprehensive support to the CSCO in strategic planning, execution and decision-making processes.

Communication: Act as a liaison between the CSCO and internal/external stakeholders, ensuring effective communication and collaboration.

Project Management: Coordinate and manage special projects, ensuring timely completion and high-quality outcomes.

Analytical Insight: Utilize analytical skills to assess supply chain performance, identify areas for improvement, and recommend strategic initiatives.

Documentation and Reporting: Prepare reports, presentations, and documentation for the CSCO, summarizing key information and data.


Master's degree in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, or a related field.

Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Good organizational and multitasking abilities.

High level of drive, self-motivation, and initiative.

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and other relevant software.

 How to Apply:

If you are a highly motivated individual with a passion for supply chain management and meet the qualifications outlined above, we invite you to submit your resume and cover letter.

About Us:

BORG is a dynamic and innovative company committed to excellence in supply chain management. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality products/services to our customers while continuously seeking ways to improve efficiency and sustainability. As we continue to grow, we are seeking a highly motivated and skilled colleague to join our team as the Executive Project Manager to the Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO).

BORG is a leading player in the automotive remanufacturing industry, known for our commitment to sustainability and innovation. As part of our dedication to a circular economy, we actively contribute to reducing environmental impact while providing high-quality automotive solutions.

At BORG we're guided by our core values and believe in fostering flexibility and trust. We prioritize integrity, innovation, and empathy, creating an environment where we can grow together.

Remanufacturing Excellence: We specialize in remanufacturing automotive components, extending the life cycle of products and reducing the need for new manufacturing. This not only helps in preserving valuable resources but also contributes to a significant reduction in carbon footprint.

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BI-Trainee Borg Automotive BI-Academy

BORG Automotive Group Published Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Application deadline : As soon as possible

Som BI-Trainee i Borg Automotives BI and Analytics team kan du afprøve og udvikle dine BI-skills. Du opnår f.eks. følgende:

At arbejde med den nyeste teknologi og en moderne BI-platform

  • Microsoft Azure BI-platform
  • Azure Datafactory
  • Hyper Scale Azure SQL-database
  • Azure Analysis Services - tabular-modeller
  • Store datamængder
  • Professionel dataarkitektur
  • Tableau som Front-End. Et af de førende Enterprise BI Front-End-værktøjer

At blive en del af en stor international organisation

  • Ca. 2.200 medarbejdere i Danmark, Polen, Spanien, Tyskland, Belgien og England 
  • Arbejdsplads i Silkeborg på koncernens hovedkontor
  • En central medarbejderrolle i et ambitiøst og voksende BI-team på 7+ dataentusiaster
  • Tydelig og stærk vækststrategi

Hvad vil det sige at være en del af Borg Automotive BI-Academy? 

Du arbejder med tre hovedområder, og vi vil aktivt fokusere på, at du afprøver, og udvider dine kompetencer indenfor områderne:

  • Back-End
    • Stabilt og systematisk load af data fra kildesystemer
    • Stored Procedures i SQL-databasen
    • Styring af afhængigheder
  • Konsulent-rollen
    • Afklaring og oversættelse af forretningens behov
    • Bygning af nødvendige elementer til løsningen i SQL-databasen
    • Samarbejde med Back-End- og Front-End-specialister på udvalgte dele
  • Front-End
    • Bygning af brugervenlige og interaktive visualiseringer i Tableau eller andre værktøjer
    • Anvendelse af OLAP-kuber 

Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen i et nysgerrigt og kreativt BI-team, der har stærke ambitioner om - og vilje til - at bidrage til Borg Automotives fremtidige vækst.  

Kontakt og spørgsmål: 

Head of BI and Analytics - Thomas Overgaard

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