Product Specialist

BORG Automotive Silkeborg Publiceret 10. september 2024
Ansøgningsfrist: Hurtigst muligt

Stillingen kan besættes på vores kontor i Støvring eller Silkeborg. 


BORG Automotive søger en motiveret og detaljeorienteret Product Specialist til vores dynamiske Data Management team. I denne rolle vil du være ansvarlig for at yde teknisk support og håndtere produktdata, og være med til at sikre kvaliteten af vores katalogdata. Du vil spille en central rolle i at støtte forskellige afdelinger, herunder Product Management, Salg og vores lageroperationer.

Dine ansvarsområder:

-Yde teknisk support på bremsekomponenter, styretøj, affjedrings-dele og andre reservedele både internt og eksternt.

- Gennemgå og validere katalogdata for at sikre nøjagtighed og konsistens.

- Supportere lageroperationer med  at håndtere reklamationer og sikre dataintegritet.

- Samarbejde med Product Management, Salg og kundeserviceteams om at levere teknisk ekspertise.

- Vedligeholde og administrere krydslister over produkter.

- Oprettelse og vedligeholdelse af varenumre i ERP system. 

Kvalifikationer og erfaring:

- Teknisk baggrund, fx som mekaniker eller lignende, med stor interesse og flair for tekniske detaljer.

- Erfaring med at arbejde med databaser og store datasæt med fokus på nøjagtighed er en fordel.

- Fortrolighed med Microsoft Office-pakken, især Excel. 

- Flydende dansk og engelsk er et krav.

Personlige egenskaber:

- Detaljeorienteret med en systematisk tilgang til at organisere dit arbejde.

- Stærke kommunikationsevner med evnen til at formidle teknisk information klart.

- En teamplayer, der er villig til at samarbejde på tværs af organisatoriske grænser.

- Evnen til at arbejde selvstændigt, samtidig med at du bidrager til teamets indsats.

Hvorfor BORG Automotive?

Hos BORG Automotive tror vi på at udvikle vores medarbejdere. Du får mulighed for at udvikle din karriere i et internationalt miljø, hvor dine bidrag gør en forskel. Vi tilbyder:

  • En flad struktur, der opmuntrer til åben kommunikation og samarbejde.
  • Løbende lærings- og udviklingsmuligheder. 
  • En venlig og inkluderende arbejdsplads, hvor individuelle forskelle værdsættes. 
  • Muligheden for at være en del af en førende international virksomhed i autobranchen. 
  • Gode medarbejdervilkår og en stærk organisationskultur. 
  • God fleksibilitet og mulighed for delvist at arbejde hjemmefra. 

Send os din ansøgning:

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Senior D365 Finance consultant

BORG Automotive Silkeborg Publiceret 13. maj 2024
Ansøgningsfrist: Hurtigst muligt

Do you find great satisfaction in supporting a finance department in enhancing their processes and use of D365 when it comes to areas that range for day to day account to complex local requirements for indirect tax, then this would be something for you. 

Who are we 

Borg Automotive are the largest independent remanufacturer of car parts in the aftermarket. With a commitment to quality and continuous improvement, we strive to deliver refabricated parts that are on par or exceeds quality of OEM parts. As we continuously expand our operations through acquisitions and organic growth, and are starting up a company wide ERP migration, we would like to bolster our capabilities in the financial area. The role would be based at our head quarter in Silkeborg (Funder). 

The Position 

As Senior D365 Finance Consultant you will be and integral part of the ERP team, the roll out of the new ERP system (D365FO/FSCM) in Borg and the support of the existing systems. You will be able to take lead on new and existing solutions in collaboration with the ERP Manager, to whom you will be reporting.  

We currently support an AX2012 and a D365FO/FSCM with a fairly wide footprint in the moduls. 

You’ll be working out of Denmark, but you role is within Group IT headed by the CIO and has a global perspective. There will in connection with that, be a need for occasional business trips to our other sites. 

Your Person 

You are an outgoing person who finds it easy to forge relationships and are confident in stating you views in a polite, but to the point manner. You have an open mind and understand that good solutions come to life, when more than one mind is utilised. 

You are detail oriented when you do your system analysis, but you are also able to take a step back and look at the broader horizon when designing system changes. 

You are curious about new solutions in your area and pride yourself on knowing your systems and how to get the most out of them out of the box. 

Your Experience 

You have worked with D365 Finance a number of years as either internal or external consultant, but you probably have a longer stretch of experience from AX2012 prior to that - not necessarily as consultant, but could be as key user/SME. You most likely come from another manufacturing company. 

It’s an advantage if you have been part of implementation standard localization of one or more countries other than and are you into familiar with the bolt on module AMC banking, it would also be a positive. 

Your Skills and Education 

You speak and write a great business English, which is needed, as it is the common language across our sites. 

You hold a relevant degree with some sort of financial focus, or you have worked in finance for a number of years, so terminology and understanding of financial fundamentals, concepts and processes are well understood. 

What we offer 

Competitive salary package will be agreed based on experience and skills 

Room to grow your professional skills, using new technology and rolling out solutions to complex issues. 

Good colleagues with an open and honest approach to communication - an environment where we believe that results are created by people and that they are the most important part. 

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