Application Engineer Controls

Marine Jet Power AB 

About the position

We are looking for an Application Engineer Controls. MJPs business is project oriented. You will work with multiple projects in different stages of completion in parallel. Our future colleague is expected to bring vast experience in AE-work to help us to further improve. The position is full time, but part time solutions can be discussed for the right candidate.


Scope of works 

The role Application Engineer Controls consists of translation of customer requirements and specifications into drawings and supporting documentation for BOM, purchasing and production including test requirements applied inhouse. The drawings are used in production, installation, service and maintenance. Our customers are global and in all segments. The communication interfaces ranges from the contract management to our test technicians. The work is conducted in the Draftsight and MS-office package. 


To be successful in this role, we believe your interpersonal skillset are:

A self starter with a drive and a genuine interest in our products. 

You have experience from producing electrical schematic drawings in 2D software. 

You have an understanding of where Application Engineering fits into a delivery process. 

You have an engineering degree.

Excellent administration skills as the output from AE are drawings and BOM combined.

We operate globally and communication is made in both Swedish and English, written and in speech.


The position is a 6 months temporary replacement for a maternity leave. For the right candidate this is a good opportunity to get to know us as we are growing and other positions are continuously opening up. 


For more information of who we are, what we do and what we offer our customers, please visit

Tipsa en vänAndra tjänster

Publiceradden 21 februari 2025

Sista ansökningsdagden 11 april 2025

KontaktLotta Babington Thorzeliusjob@marinejetpower.com070-2215959

Arbetsplatsens adressUppsala, Uppsala län, SverigeÖppna i Google Maps